Audi A4Since 1994 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Audi А4 + Running gear + Regular servicing + Engines + Turbo-supercharging + Exhaust system + Cooling system + Fuel tank and the fuel pump + The air filter and channels всасывания + Injection system + Coupling + Transmission and the main transfer + Suspension bracket of wheels and steering + Brakes + Wheels and tyres + The electrotechnical equipment + Ignition system + Illumination + The alarm equipment + Tools and devices + Heating and ventilation - Body details Forward bumper Damages to result of failures Face-to-face part of the car Cowl Wings Lateral laths Doors Dismantling of doors Mirror of the external review Luggage carrier cover Back bumper Sliding/demountable roof Check of a corrosion-resistant coating of the bottom Procleaning of apertures for a water drain + Salon Search of malfunctions Technical characteristics |
Lateral laths Dismantle of shock-proof laths Unfortunately, the varnished lateral laths cannot be removed from doors, without having destroyed them. The one who is ambitious, can try to remove a lath, preliminary heating by its hair dryer to 40 С. Then wring out a lath from facing by the screw-driver which has been wrapped up by a rag (for varnishing protection). From an underside of doors wring out black заглушки.