Audi A4

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi А4
+ Running gear
+ Regular servicing
+ Engines
- Turbo-supercharging
   The valve of deenergizing of draught
   Check of adjustment of pressure of pressurisation
   The help at malfunctions
   It is faulty турбокомпрессор?
   Radiator наддувочного air
+ Exhaust system
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and the fuel pump
+ The air filter and channels всасывания
+ Injection system
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and the main transfer
+ Suspension bracket of wheels and steering
+ Brakes
+ Wheels and tyres
+ The electrotechnical equipment
+ Ignition system
+ Illumination
+ The alarm equipment
+ Tools and devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ Body details
+ Salon
Search of malfunctions
Technical characteristics


Basically турбокомпрессор consists of two located on one shaft лопастных wheels. By means of one of them the fulfilled gases of the engine are deduced, depending on frequency of rotation of the engine it results a shaft in more or less fast rotation. Connected with it the second лопастное the wheel, certainly, rotates together with it and soaks up air in combustion chambers, but already under pressure.

At большем air receipt giving of gasoline for maintenance of correct structure of a working mix increases also.

At the left in an impellent compartment турбодвигателя capacity of 110 kw you see a radiator наддувочного air (1) and a thick air hose (2) from турбокомпрессора to a radiator наддувочного air.

Model турбокомпрессора in a cut

1 – лопастное a wheel on the party of an exit of the fulfilled gases;
2 – a turbo-supercharging shaft;

3 – лопастное a wheel on the party всасывания;
4 – a vacuum box of a regulator of a turbo-supercharging.

Adjustment of pressure of pressurisation

The chosen constructive data турбокомпрессора possesses pleasant property to submit наддувочный air in cylinders even at rather low turns of the engine. From this it follows that at high turns air considerable quantity can be represented too. Pressure in pressurisation system could rise to such level which would be harmful to durability of the engine.

Not to admit it is business of a regulator of pressure of pressurisation. By opening of the valve it provides passage only parts of the fulfilled gases through лопастное a wheel of a supercharger. As a result of it capacity of pressurisation decreases, and pressure cannot exceed the maximum size.

Rigid adjustment in this case is inadmissible, as in some road situations that is necessary more there is less than air. Therefore adjustment of pressure of pressurisation is influenced by the block of management Motronic. The electropneumatic valve, the electromagnetic valve of restriction of pressure of pressurisation, by means of a vacuum box operates the bypass channel of pressurisation (the valve of adjustment of pressure of pressurisation). When bypass the channel opens, pressure of pressurisation goes down.

The height gauge is connected to the block of management Motronic (an installation site: the electronic block in an impellent compartment). Thanks to it adjustment of pressure of pressurisation in a condition to level change of density of air at trips to mountain district.

More rarefied air at the same offer of capacity (i.e. At the same quantity of injected fuel) would cause glut of a toplivno-air mix. It is not supposed at the expense of a raising of pressure of pressurisation and, hence, the strengthened giving of air.

Therefore capacity of the engine and structure of the fulfilled gases at турбодвигателе remain constants at any traffic conditions.