Audi А4
+ Running gear
+ Regular servicing
+ Engines
+ Turbo-supercharging
+ Exhaust system
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and the fuel pump
+ The air filter and channels всасывания
+ Injection system
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and the main transfer
+ Suspension bracket of wheels and steering
+ Brakes
- Wheels and tyres
Designations of tyres
Wide-profile tyres and rims
Pressure check in tyres
Check of a condition of tyres
Replacement of wheels
Check of durability of fastening of wheel bolts
Unbalanced wheels
Purchase of new tyres
+ The electrotechnical equipment
+ Ignition system
+ Illumination
+ The alarm equipment
+ Tools and devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ Body details
+ Salon
Search of malfunctions
Technical characteristics
Replacement of wheels
To replace a wheel in a way it is not too simple. Bolts on a wheel can be rusted, or in a workshop in them "have hammered" pulse винтовертом instead of screwing up with the set inhaling on 110 nanometers. In this case the tools which are available in the car, will not help, the powerful wrench or a wheel key with the piece of a pipe put on it for lever strengthening will help.
- Include a manual brake, 1st transfer or a backing.
- If you on the journey include the alarm system and expose warning triangle.
- Secure wheels on the other hand the car from качения, for example, prop up stones or wooden брусками.
- Wire hook from a set of onboard tools insert into one of apertures of a decorative cap and remove it.
- In rims from easy metal with the closed fastening insert a screw-driver into dredging from outside a cap and wring out a cap.
- In rims from easy metals with visible bolts remove caps of bolts. The synthetic clip will help with it from a set of onboard tools.
- If is, that, having put on the adapter (from a set of onboard tools), open a fixing bolt.
- Loosen the bolts only on one turn.
- Establish a jack obliquely, having turned outside, on the place intended for it at a body bottom edge. The jack should grasp a vertical crosspiece of a body.
- If a ground soft, enclose under a jack a plate.
- Lift the car.
- Completely unscrew bolts.
- Designate position of a wheel concerning a nave.
- Remove a wheel, put the spare. The centering pin from a set of onboard tools if you preliminary screw up it in an aperture of a wheel bolt thus can help.
- With the most thin layer grease a cone and a carving of wheel bolts.
- In regular intervals, cross-wise wrap bolts. Thus rotate a wheel forward and back that it was faultlessly aligned on a nave.
- Lower the car, tighten bolts (110 Nanometers).
- Establish заслонки or a decorative cap. At presence заслонки pay attention to cut for the tyre valve.
- Having passed small distance, check up fastening of bolts on durability.
Council: If wheel bolts are not screwed up in a wheel nave, maybe, on a nave the brake disk rotated. (Besides other, the centering pin should not admit it.) turn a disk a little so that apertures coincided.