Audi А4
+ Running gear
+ Regular servicing
+ Engines
+ Turbo-supercharging
+ Exhaust system
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and the fuel pump
+ The air filter and channels всасывания
+ Injection system
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and the main transfer
+ Suspension bracket of wheels and steering
+ Brakes
+ Wheels and tyres
+ The electrotechnical equipment
- Ignition system
That provides ignition
When there is an ignition of a toplivno-air mix?
Different systems of ignition
So there is an ignition spark
Executive office
System brain
The signals arriving in the block of management
Detonation adjustment
Be cautious in circulation with ignition
Works on ignition system
Search of malfunctions in ignition
The ignition distributor
High voltage knot
Replacement of spark plugs
Correct choice of spark plugs
Check of the moment of ignition
+ Illumination
+ The alarm equipment
+ Tools and devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ Body details
+ Salon
Search of malfunctions
Technical characteristics
Search of malfunctions in ignition
The one who wishes to reveal defect in ignition, should operate on system:
- Whether there is in general an ignition spark, is found out by simple check of pressure.
- Current giving to ignition/injection system is carried out through safety locks 28, 29, 32 or 34 (depending on engine model). At ignition refusal check up these safety locks (the head the Electrotechnical equipment).
- The attentive visual control often finds out the most widespread sources of malfunctions (a wire, sockets, pressure breakdowns).
- Only after that serially check up the coil () ignitions, the Hall gauge, or the gauge of number of turns of the engine, or the gauge of the moment of ignition.
- If all it was unsuccessful, let in a workshop will interrogate the computer.
Switch off ignition, having taken out a socket on terminal cascades.
At the left: in the four-cylinder engine of 1,6 l the socket (2) is disconnected on the terminal cascade (3) near to the coil of ignition (1).
On the right: in four-cylinder турбодвигателе and in the six-cylinder engine both sockets (arrow) on the terminal cascade are disconnected.
Whether there is a pressure of ignition?
- The engine capacity of 74 kw: remove one of wires on a spark plug, unscrew a candle.
- Again connect to a candle a wire of a high voltage and put it on the engine block so that it had a reliable contact to the block. Even better, for conductivity maintenance to connect an auxiliary starting wire a cut part of a candle to the engine.
- Let your assistant will turn the engine a starter.
- If on candle electrodes slip powerful sparks pressure of ignition is, i.e. the ignition system works. But there can be wrong a basic adjustment of the distributor.
- The engine capacity of 92 kw: basically that way of actions as at the engine capacity of 74 kw, but it is necessary to check up (to be convinced that both coils) candles of 1st and 2nd cylinders work.
- Leave candles of 3rd and 4th cylinders established.
- The four-cylinder engine capacity of 110 kw: unscrew the ignition coil, unscrew a candle.
- The coil and candle again connect and fix on the engine so that the candle had a contact to weight, and engine movement could not shake it. It is reached, for example, as follows: a carving part of a candle connect to the engine, providing conductivity, by means of the plug of an auxiliary wire for its start.
- In the rest the same actions, as at the engine capacity of 74 kw if it is necessary, repeat the same on other cylinders.
- Six-cylinder engines: Basically the same way of actions as at the engine capacity of 74 kw, but it is necessary to check up (to be convinced that all three coils) candles 1, 2 and 3rd cylinders work.
- For all engines: if there is no spark repeat attempt with a candle of other cylinder. If still there are no sparks check up all system of ignition.
At the left: whether here there is in general a spark in ignition system. For the sake of reliability the candle should be fixed on the engine by means of a starting wire for conductivity maintenance. Here it is not shown for the sake of presentation.
On the right: on the removed socket (2) it is checked concerning weight (3), whether pressure on the terminal cascade (1) moves.
The open distributor of ignition (here the four-cylinder engine)
The coil of ignition of the four-cylinder engine of 1,6 l is supplied by correct designations of plugs |
Visual check of system of ignition
- All wires and contacts of sockets are strongly connected to the coil (ам) ignitions, to the terminal cascade, the block of management by ignition/injection and to the distributor (74 kw)?
- Probably, in многоштырьковых sockets one has moved штырьковый contact?
- Whether there are on wires obvious damages?
- Whether the weight is squeezed out in the ignition coil заливочная? Probably, it is faulty at the expense of it?
- Whether is on the case of the coil of ignition of a crack or traces of burns from slipping sparks?
- In addition check up, whether wires of a high voltage are strongly fixed and whether there are no isolation damages. Modern systems of ignition at the expense of high pressure of ignition react to jumping sparks and creeping currents more sensitively.
- Whether there are damages on a cover of the distributor of ignition (74 kw)? Special attention turn on an inside.
- Whether all knots of system of ignition pure and dry? The damp dirt promotes pressure breakdowns.
Council: At following measurements pay attention that measuring and control devices should be connected and be disconnected only at the switched off ignition. If the engine for check and carrying out of measurements is repeatedly turned by a starter without start it is preliminary necessary to disconnect sockets of wires on injection valves. |
Whether pressure giving in ignition system is perfectly in order?
Along with a system crash of ignition in the absence of pressure, its insufficient giving too can cause considerable infringements in system work!
- All safety locks are perfectly in order?
- The engine capacity of 74 kw: disconnect a socket on the terminal cascade of capacity near to the ignition coil.
- Connect the measuring device to the disconnected socket between contact 1 (the plug 15) and contact 3 (weight).
- Include ignition.
- The device should show a minimum 11,5 Century
- If it at all has not shown presence of pressure or too low defect is covered in a wire to the ignition lock.
- The engine capacity of 92 kw: uncover heads of the block of cylinders, disconnect a socket on the terminal cascade of capacity on a package of coils of ignition.
- Connect the measuring device to the disconnected socket of contact of a black/dark blue wire (it is average) and weight.
- Include ignition.
- The device should show a minimum 11,5 Century
- If it at all has not shown presence of pressure or too low defect is covered in a wire to the ignition lock.
- The four-cylinder engine capacity of 110 kw: uncover heads of the block of cylinders, disconnect a socket on one of ignition coils.
- Connect the measuring device to the disconnected socket of contact of a black/dark blue wire and to contact of a brown/yellow wire (weight). These are nests of a socket 2 and 3.
- Include ignition.
- The device should show a minimum 11,5 Century
- If it at all has not shown presence of pressure or too low defect is covered in a wire to the ignition lock.
- The six-cylinder engine: disconnect a white socket at the left on a back wall of an impellent compartment (pressure giving to ignition coils), serially connect the measuring device between each of three inputs of the plug 15 (in the top part of a socket) and weight.
- Include ignition.
- The device should show a minimum 11,5 Century
- If it at all has not shown presence of pressure or too low defect is covered in a wire to the ignition lock.
- For all engines: measure concerning weight duration - + on the management block (a red wire on a 16-polar socket). Nominal size: pressure of the accumulator.
- The same measurement on a black/white wire on a 16-polar socket of the block of management at the included ignition.
- There too the device should show a minimum 11,5 Century
Sources of malfunctions
- The ignition lock (the head Tools and devices) is faulty.
- There is conductivity in wires between the ignition lock / in the central switching knot and in the central switching knot/coil (ами) no ignition or the central switching knot/block of management. Check up wires and sockets under the electric scheme resulted in a management.
Check of the coil of ignition
The four-cylinder engine of 74 kw
- The visual control of the coil of ignition has already been spent.
- For resistance check, having switched off ignition, disconnect all wires on the ignition coil. We spend measurements of a primary and secondary winding of the coil.
- Spend measurements, having connected an exact ohmmeter between plugs of the coil of ignition 1/- and 15 / +.
- Nominal size: 0,5–1,5 Ohm.
- Following measurement becomes between the plug 15 and 4 (4 = a plug nest of a thick main wire of a high voltage).
- The device should show 5–9 clod.
- If the named sizes are not received, replace the ignition coil.
- By means of these measurements it is impossible to define short circuit between windings. If, despite good results of measurement, suspicion nevertheless falls on the ignition coil you should to check up the dismantled coil in a workshop on repair of the automobile electrotechnical equipment.
Check of the terminal cascade of capacity
The four-cylinder engine of 74 kw
- Adjustment check: disconnect sockets on the terminal cascade of capacity near to the ignition coil.
- Connect the measuring device to the removed socket between contact 2 (adjustment) and contact 3 (weight). Turn the engine a starter. The device should show a minimum 2 Century
- Check up pressure giving on ignition system how it was already described.
- Check up the ignition coil.
- If in system of ignition there is no spark though after carrying out of three named checks defects are not revealed, the malfunction source should be in the terminal cascade of capacity. In this case replace together the terminal cascade and the ignition coil.
Check of the gauge of the Hall
The four-cylinder engine of 74 kw
- Disconnect all sockets on injection valves.
- Disconnect a socket on the terminal cascade of capacity near to the ignition coil.
- Functioning check: unbend a rubber tip on the connected socket of the gauge of the Hall (sideways on the distributor – it is remote) that contacts were accessible to measurement carrying out behind.
- Light-emitting diode control lamp connect to the plug 1 (green/white) wire and 2 (a green/grey wire).
- Let your assistant will turn the engine a starter: the light-emitting diode should flash, in this case the gauge of the Hall and a wire to it is perfectly in order.
- If it has not started blinking, check up bringing wire: disconnect a socket from the Hall gauge, connect the voltmeter to the plug 1 (a green/white wire) and to the plug 3 (a green/violet wire) a socket.
- Include ignition.
- Look at the measuring device: it should show 4,5–5,5 Century
- Now connect the voltmeter to the plug 2 (a green/grey wire) and to the plug 3 (a green/violet wire) a socket.
- Include ignition. Look at the measuring device: it should show 4,3–5,2 Century
- Result: if the light-emitting diode control lamp does not blink, though pressure indicators correct, the Hall gauge is faulty.
- Pressure indicators are not perfectly in order: there is no conductivity in a connecting wire of the block of management.
The terminal cascade of capacity (2) coils of ignition турбодвигателя 1,8 l capacity of 110 kw takes places on the case of the air filter on the right in an impellent compartment. |
In drawings the arrangement of contacts of a two-port socket (3 in a photo) and a five-polar socket (1 in a photo) is shown.
In the four-cylinder engine with working volume 1,8 l the Hall gauge settles down at the left on a forward part of the engine. Here are visible:
1 – the case of the gauge of the Hall; 2 – a socket. |
The gauge of the Hall (1) is in the six-cylinder engine behind on the left head of the block of cylinders (2). |
Check of coils of ignition and the terminal cascade of capacity
The engine of 92 kw
- Spend visual check how it is described above.
- Check up pressure giving how it is described above.
- Disconnect all sockets on injection valves.
- Check up entrance signals: disconnect sockets of coils of ignition / the terminal cascade of capacity. Connect to one of external contacts of a socket диодную a control lamp and measure concerning weight.
- At прокручивании the engine a starter the lamp should flicker slowly.
- The same measurement spend on opposite contact of a socket. There the lamp too should blink slowly.
- If диодный the control device does not blink: defect in a bringing wire, the block of management or in one of gauges of the block of management. Replace all constructive knot.
- All measurements are perfectly in order, but there is no ignition spark: ignition coils / the terminal cascade of capacity are faulty.
Check of coils of ignition
The four-cylinder engine of 110 kw
- Disconnect all sockets on injection valves.
- In the beginning inspect pressure of ignition (it is described above).
- If there is no spark in one spark plug, check up pressure giving in ignition system (how it is described).
- If there is no spark in one spark plug, change coil places: if defect moves with the coil, the reason in the given coil.
- To be assured, change in places still spark plugs to exclude a malfunction source.
- If replacement with places of coils has not given result disconnect a socket on the coil of ignition of the idle cylinder and measure pressure in a socket.
- Connect a measuring wire to both external contacts трехштырькового a socket of the coil of ignition.
- Include ignition, the voltmeter should show 12 V.Esli pressure is not present, look for defect in a wire to plus and a minus.
- Switch off ignition.
- Check of impulses: connect the indicator of presence of pressure to contacts 2 and 3 sockets.
- Let your assistant will put in action a starter.
- The light-emitting diode should замерцать.
- If диодный the pressure indicator does not blink: the bringing wire, the terminal cascade of capacity, the block of management or one of gauges of the block of management are faulty.
- Switch off ignition.
Check of the terminal cascade of capacity
The four-cylinder engine of 110 kw
- Disconnect sockets on all valves of injection.
- Disconnect a two-port socket on the terminal cascade of capacity (under a cover on the case of the air filter).
- One wire of the light-emitting diode indicator of pressure connect to weight.
- Check 1: put a free wire of the indicator of pressure serially to contacts of the terminal cascade of capacity штырькового a conclusion 1, 2, 3 and 4.
- Each time your assistant scrolls thus the engine a starter.
- The light-emitting diode indicator of pressure should flicker at all four measurements, in this case the target signal of the terminal cascade of capacity to ignition coils is perfectly in order.
- Again connect a socket.
- Disconnect a five-polar socket on the terminal cascade of capacity.
- Check 2: this time put a free wire of the indicator of pressure to contacts of the disconnected socket 1, 2, 4 and 5, at this time your assistant each time turns the engine a starter.
- The light-emitting diode indicator of pressure should flicker on all four contacts, in this case the entrance signal of the terminal cascade of capacity is perfectly in order.
- Check 3: check up, whether connection with weight at штырькового a conclusion 3 five-polar sockets is perfectly in order.
- Result: if at efficient connection with weight the entrance signal is perfectly in order, but there is no target signal the terminal cascade of capacity is faulty.
- If at all there is no entrance signal, a cause of defect in the management block (or in its gauges) or in a bringing wire.
Check of the gauge of the Hall
The four-cylinder engine of 1,8 l and the six-cylinder engine
- Disconnect all sockets on injection valves.
- Unbend a rubber tip behind on a socket of the gauge of the Hall (the socket remains connected).
- Check up the light-emitting diode indicator of pressure, whether there is a pressure between the plug 1 and 3 sockets (on a plug socket are designated) at the included ignition (min 4).
- If is not present, check up bringing wire.
- Connect the light-emitting diode indicator of pressure between the plug 2 and 3.
- Let your assistant will turn the engine a starter.
- The light-emitting diode indicator of pressure should flicker slowly — the Hall gauge as it should be.
The terminal cascade of capacity (2) coils of ignition in the six-cylinder engine is on the case of the air filter on the right in an impellent compartment. |
In drawings the arrangement of contacts of a three-polar socket (1 in a photo) and a two-port socket (3 in a photo) is shown.
At electric check of a package of coils of ignition (the six-cylinder engine) measurements are spent, first, on opposite nests of a wire of a high voltage, secondly, on a three-polar socket of the terminal cascade of capacity behind at the left on a wall of an impellent compartment. Assembly position is shown in a photo. Placing of sockets in drawing.
Shtyrkovye sockets behind in the middle of an impellent compartment of the six-cylinder engine
Arrangement of contacts of sockets of the gauge of number of turns of the engine and the gauge of the moment of ignition. |
Check of the coil of ignition
The six-cylinder engine
- Visual check of coils of ignition has already been spent.
- For resistance check disconnect all wires of a high voltage on coils. We spend measurements on a secondary winding of the coil.
- Spend measurement by an exact ohmmeter between nests of wires of ignition of 1st and 6th cylinders (1st coil). Nominal size: 9–14 clod.
- Repeat the same measurement between nests of wires of ignition of 2nd and 4th cylinders (2nd coil), and also between nests of wires of ignition of 3rd and 5th cylinders (3rd coil).
- If everything is all right the secondary winding of coils is measured.
- Disconnect white штырьковый a socket on a back wall of an impellent compartment (pressure giving on ignition coils), connect the measuring device on a choice to one of three sockets of the plug 15 (in the top part штекерного a socket).
- Disconnect a three-polar socket on the terminal cascade of capacity (under a cover of the air filter), connect the second wire of measuring devices serially to all three plugs in a socket.
- Nominal size: at all three measurements 0,5–1,0 Ohm.
- If the specified sizes are not received, replace a package of coils of ignition.
Check of the terminal cascade of capacity
The six-cylinder engine
- Disconnect sockets of all six valves of injection.
- Disconnect a three-polar socket on the terminal cascade of capacity (under a cover of the air filter).
- Connect one wire of the light-emitting diode indicator of pressure to weight.
- Check 1: put a free wire of the indicator of pressure serially to contacts штырькового a conclusion 1, 2 and 3 terminal cascades of capacity.
- Each time your assistant scrolls thus the engine a starter.
- The light-emitting diode indicator of pressure should flicker at all three measurements, in this case the target signal of the terminal cascade of capacity to ignition coils is perfectly in order.
- Again connect a socket.
- Disconnect a two-port socket on the terminal cascade of capacity.
- Check 2: put serially free wire of the indicator of pressure to contacts of the disconnected socket 1, 2 and 4, in it time your assistant each time turns the engine a starter.
- The light-emitting diode indicator of pressure should flicker on all four contacts, in this case the entrance signal of the terminal cascade of capacity is perfectly in order.
- Check 3: check up, whether connection with weight at штырькового a conclusion 2 two-port sockets is perfectly in order.
- Result: if at efficient connection with weight the entrance signal is perfectly in order, but there is no target signal the terminal cascade of capacity is faulty.
- If at all there is no entrance signal, a cause of defect in the management block (or in its gauges) or in a bringing wire.
Check of the gauge of number of turns of the engine
The six-cylinder engine
The gauge of number of turns of the engine is located on a gear wreath of a flywheel. Shtyrkovoe connection of its wire is taken away upwards to an arm on a back wall of an impellent compartment, therefore measurement does not need to be spent under the car.
- Track a lining of a wire from the gauge to an arm on a back wall of an impellent compartment, check up штекерные sockets and a wire.
- Electric check by an exact ohmmeter:
- Disconnect grey three-polar штырьковый a socket and connect an ohmmeter to a gauge wire between contact 1 and 2.
- The ohmmeter should show nearby 1 clod, otherwise the gauge is faulty.
- The third contact is a shielding wire.
- For shielding check connect an ohmmeter now between contact 1 and 3, and then to contact 2 and 3.
- The ohmmeter should show u the Ohm, otherwise the gauge is faulty.
Check of the gauge of the moment of ignition
The six-cylinder engine
Councils: Other check consists in unscrewing of the gauge and cleaning of its front party. It is necessary to pay attention: never unscrew a gauge arm, but only the gauge. |
The gauge of the moment of ignition is established at the left behind directly on the case картера. It is checked on black three-polar штекерном a socket in an arm on a back wall of an impellent compartment.
Direct check is identical to how it becomes on the gauge of number of turns of the engine. It is not necessary to clean the front party only.
Check of the block of management
For check of the block of management of system of ignition/injection there are no methods in traditional understanding. But defect is found out in a workshop by reading of the computer remembering malfunctions.
Detonation sensor control
The detonation sensor control (since their 1,8-litre engine it is put two) is checked by computer interrogation. Other possibilities for check are not present. Sometimes the defective sensor control of a detonation draws to itself attention an intensive ring in the engine at acceleration. At installation of a new sensor control of a detonation necessarily consider the correct moment of an inhaling of a fixing bolt in 20 Nanometers.