Audi A4

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi А4
+ Running gear
+ Regular servicing
- Engines
   Capacity steps
   Engine signs
   Technology of the engine, maintenance service and repair
   Greasing system
   Exhaust ventilation картера
   The visual control of the engine
   Engine service life
   Nominal and maximum frequency of turns
   Restriction of number of turns
   Measurement of pressure of compression
   The help at malfunctions
   Works on a gear belt
   The help at malfunction
   Installation and dismantle of a head of the block of cylinders
   Installation and engine dismantle
+ Turbo-supercharging
+ Exhaust system
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and the fuel pump
+ The air filter and channels всасывания
+ Injection system
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and the main transfer
+ Suspension bracket of wheels and steering
+ Brakes
+ Wheels and tyres
+ The electrotechnical equipment
+ Ignition system
+ Illumination
+ The alarm equipment
+ Tools and devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ Body details
+ Salon
Search of malfunctions
Technical characteristics

Works on a gear belt

Gear belt on the 6-cylinder engine will pull correctly if it can be turned fingers межу a gear wheel of a drive of a gear belt and the top directing roller no more than on 90о.

In the engine with working volume 1,8 l the top cover of a gear belt too fastens clips (2 and 3). At installation ledges (1) below on a cover should be correctly inserted into the bottom part of a cover.

The big efforts are demanded by work on dismantle of the bottom cover of a gear belt in the engine with working volume 1,8 l. Figures (1-4) designate an arrangement of fixing bolts.

Here both pistons (1 and 2) the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt in four-cylinder engines are shown.

At the left: a tension roller of a gear belt at the four-cylinder engine. By figures are designated:

1 – a wrench with two apertures for installation of a tension of a gear belt (the text above);
2 – a fixing bolt.

On the right: the tension roller at the six-cylinder engine is in latent enough place on the right ahead on the motor block. By an arrow the bolt is shown tightening.

On the dismantled engine with working volume 1,8 l are visible an arrangement of some knots

1 – a belt pulley коленвала;
2 – a tension roller of a gear belt;
3 – a pulley of a gear belt of a cam-shaft;
4 – the Hall gauge;

5 – a gear belt;
6 – the device for a tension поликлинового a belt;
7 – the bearing of the fan of a radiator;
8 – a pulley клинового a belt of the water pump.

At the left: the engine with working volume 1,8 l. Mark ВМТ (2) on a pulley of a gear belt of a cam-shaft and a mark corresponding to it (1) on a cover of a head of the block of cylinders should be opposite each other the same as mark ВМТ (4) on a belt pulley коленвала and an arrow corresponding to it (3) on the bottom cover of a gear belt.

On the right: at the engine with working volume 1,6 l the mark in a pulley (2) gear belts of a cam-shaft should correspond to a mark in the form of an arrow (1) on a back cover of a gear belt. ВМТ коленвала in the same position, as in the engine with working volume 1,8 l.

As silent drive an element located (ых) from above of a cam-shaft (ов), the gear belt set in motion коленвалом serves.

The gear rubber belt with the loose leaf from a steel wire works without deterioration, thus the rubber mix of a gear belt provides dry greasing of belt pulleys. The gear belt except a cam-shaft serves in the 6-cylinder engine as a drive of the water pump. In the 4-cylinder engine the belt in addition puts in action an intermediate shaft which in turn serves as a drive of the oil pump and the ignition distributor (only in 1,6 l the engine).

 Council: For work on a gear belt the car with the four-cylinder engine should be resulted in so-called service position (the head of the Detail of a body). Thus the face-to-face part acts in film from the car and is taken away on some distance by means of bolts. For the purpose of improvement of access we recommend to you to dismantle also a gear belt in the 6-cylinder engine.

Dismantle of a cover of a gear belt


  1. The four-cylinder engine: dismantle воздухозаборный a hose, having unscrewed two screws with crosswise heads on a face-to-face part of the car.
  2. Wring out above on a cover two fixing collars.
  3. Remove upwards the top part of a cover.
  4. At installation track that the cover has been correctly inserted by a bottom edge into an opposite detail, otherwise it will not be reliably fixed.
  5. In most cases it is enough to dismantle the top part of a cover. To dismantle also the bottom part of a cover, more difficult.
  6. Result a face-to-face part of the car in service position (the head of the Detail of a body).
  7. Dismantle вязкостный the fan (the head cooling System).
  8. Remove a klinovo-ridge belt and unscrew the mechanism of a tension of a belt.
  9. Unscrew a pulley of a klinovo-ridge belt at коленвала and a pulley of a klinovo-ridge belt of the water pump.
  10. Loosen the fixing bolts or nuts of the bottom cover of a gear belt also remove it.
  11. At installation bolts are tightened as follows: a pulley of a klinovo-ridge belt at коленвала with the moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers (watch fixing), pulleys of a klinovo-ridge belt at the water pump on 20 Nanometers, nuts or bolts of a cover of a gear belt on 10 Nanometers.
  12. The 6-cylinder engine: dismantle вязкостный the fan.
  13. Dismantle a klinovo-ridge belt with a tension roller of a klinovo-ridge belt.
  14. Loosen the from above and from below on each half of cover of a gear belt on one coupling collar.
  15. Cautiously take out a cover from other hooks.

Check of a condition of a gear belt


  1. Uncover a gear belt.
  2. The gear belt should not be made oily or cracked.
  3. Lateral faces of a teeth should be serviceable and not carry wear tracks.
  4. That you could examine a belt on all length, turn a cranked shaft how it is described in the head further.
  5. Necessarily replace the damaged gear belt.

Check of a tension of a gear belt

The four-cylinder engine has a spring roller for a tension of a gear belt which automatically creates the necessary tension of a belt. In this connection the mechanism of a tension of a belt is checked only. The six-cylinder engine has a static tension of a belt.


  1. The four-cylinder engine: remove the top cover of a gear belt.
  2. Press a belt between pulleys and observe a spring tension roller: the tension roller should be wrung out thus and at release a belt again to return to a starting position. In this case the mechanism of a tension of a belt is perfectly in order.
  3. Check up by means of a mirror, in what range of a scale there is a piston edge.
  4. Range "And": everything is all right.
  5. Range "In": normal area of deterioration; adjustment can remain.
  6. Range "With": mechanism adjustment (the following section see) is necessary or there is a defect in a gear belt or in a tension roller.
  7. The six-cylinder engine: uncover a gear belt.
  8. Spend measurement between a pulley of a cam-shaft and the top by-pass roller on the right party of cylinders if to look in the direction of travel.
  9. The cold gear belt at a correct tension should turn on 90 (= to a right angle) only big and index fingers.

Installation of a tension of a gear belt

The 4-cylinder engine

Installation is made at the cold and heated-up engine by a wrench with two apertures, for example Hazet 2587.


  1. Remove the top cover of a gear belt, ослабьте a fixing bolt.
  2. The device of a tension of a gear belt turn a wrench so that the piston 1 was completely put forward also the piston 2 has raised the tension device approximately on 1 mm.
  3. Tighten in the beginning a hand a fixing bolt of a tension roller.
  4. Turn a cranked shaft on two turns in a movement direction (to the right).
  5. Check up, whether the range "And" on a scale opposite to an upper edge of the piston 2 settles down.
  6. If it cannot be made because of bad access it is possible to measure D = 25–29 mm.
  7. If installation yet does not correspond to norm pull also for check again turn a cranked shaft.
  8. At correct installation tighten a fixing bolt of a tension roller with the moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers.
  9. Turn on one turn коленвал and once again check up a tension of a gear belt.

Installation of a tension of a gear belt

The 6-cylinder engine


  1. In the beginning uncover a gear belt.
  2. Dismantle a klinovo-ridge belt and the device of its tension.
  3. Loosen the tightening a bolt (with internal шестигранником 8 mm) on a tension roller.
  4. Turn a key with internal шестигранником 8 mm a tension roller to the right down to that time while the belt tension does not become correct.
  5. Hold a tension roller in this position.
  6. Key with internal шестигранником 8 mm tighten tightening a bolt of a tension roller (45 Nanometers).
  7. Turn on one turn коленвал and once again check up a tension of a gear belt.

Replacement of a gear belt, installation of phases timing

The description of process of replacement of a gear belt concerns not only is direct to this work, but also to dismantle and installation of a head of the block of cylinders, thus the gear belt inevitably should act in film.

Installation of a gear belt according to the logic of things assumes also installation of phases timing. But to avoid error, it is necessary to remember that phases timing do not change as a result of deterioration. Installation is made only once if before it the gear belt acted in film.

 Council: Only at correct installation of phases timing the co-ordinated work of valves and газораспределительного the mechanism is provided. Incorrectly established phases timing are at the bottom of low capacity of the engine and as a last resort can even lead to the hardest damages of the engine when the piston basis beats on out of time closed valves. Installation in different types of engines is made differently.

Audi any more does not provide replacement of a gear belt within the limits of regular maintenance service of the car. Nevertheless all of us would replace a belt after 150 000 km of run. If the gear belt tears, the new engine will be necessary. In comparison with it preventive replacement of a gear belt costs copecks.

Whether it is possible to make it by own strength?

Replacement of a gear belt puts different problems depending on engine model:

  • At the four-cylinder engine replacement of a gear belt represents as a whole a laborious work, but professionally not component too большей problems. Thus special tools are not necessary.
  • At the six-cylinder engine for installation of phases timing (that becomes necessary after dismantle of a gear belt and a head of the block of cylinders) it is necessary to fix absolutely precisely cam-shafts and коленвал in position ВМТ by means of special tools (tools 3242 and 3243). You should get the mentioned tools.

Replacement of a gear belt

The 4-cylinder engine


  1. Result the face-to-face often car in service position (the head of the Detail of a body).
  2. Dismantle вязкостный the fan.
  3. Remove клиновой and klinovo-ridge belts, unscrew the device of a tension of a belt (has undressed the Generator).
  4. Dismantle a pulley of a klinovo-ridge belt at коленвала after easing of a bolt with internal шестигранником (not the central bolt).
  5. Unscrew a pulley клинового a belt of the water pump.
  6. Dismantle the top part of a cover of a gear belt.
  7. Loosen the fixing bolts and nuts of the bottom cover of a gear belt also remove it.
  8. Put the piston in the cylinder 1 in ignition position in ВМТ, see above in this chapter.
  9. Designate a movement direction on a gear belt for the subsequent installation. Keep the same direction of movement of the belt which was in the use.
  10. Loosen the fixing bolts of a tension roller also remove a gear belt.
  11. Impose a new gear belt. If pulley position коленвала and a cam-shaft did not vary, phases timing valves are still established correctly. Safety for the sake of nevertheless them need to be checked up before definitive assemblage:
  12. Pulley of a gear belt of a cam-shaft turn so that pulley marks have risen under an arrow on a back cover of a gear belt (the engine with working volume 1,6) or under a mark in a cover of a head of the block of cylinders (the engine with working volume 1,8).
  13. If now it is necessary to turn a cam-shaft it can be made only when the piston is in position ВМТ, otherwise it is possible to damage valves or the bases of pistons.
  14. Mark ВМТ коленвала is checked through a viewing aperture on a transmission.
  15. At the engine with working volume 1,6 l check up also position of an intermediate shaft. For this purpose uncover the distributor of ignition and check up, whether specifies a distributor finger in a label in edge of its case. If is not present, turn an intermediate shaft so that labels coincided.
  16. Impose a gear belt, thus watch that position of various pulleys has not changed.
  17. Pull a gear belt how it is described above.
  18. For all models: a cranked shaft completely turn two times and still check up installation.
  19. Screw the bottom cover of a gear belt with the moment of an inhaling of 10 Nanometers.
  20. Fix a pulley поликлинового a belt of a cam-shaft with the moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers. Thus track correct position of a cover: depending on model of the engine or the fixing pin should enter into a belt pulley, or fixing apertures of a belt pulley are located asymmetrically. In this case all fixing apertures should coincide with apertures on коленвале.
  21. Other assemblage is made, accordingly, in an order, the return to dismantle.
  22. The engine with working volume 1,6 l: adjust ignition.

Replacement of a gear belt

The six-cylinder engine


  1. Dismantle поликлиновой a belt together with the tension device (has undressed the Generator).
  2. Dismantle covers of a gear belt on both parties.
  3. Turn коленвал in ignition position in ВМТ the cylinder 1. Marks in a belt pulley коленвала and covers of a gear belt should coincide, the big apertures on fixing plates on pulleys of cam-shafts should be turned to each other to the engine centre.
  4. Unscrew from картера the gauge of the moment of ignition and instead of it screw in the special
    The tool Fastening коленвала 3242. Slightly tighten.
  5. Dismantle a pulley поликлинового a belt коленвала, unscrew the bottom cover of a gear belt.
  6. Note a direction of movement of a gear belt for the subsequent installation. Keep the same direction of movement of the belt which was in the use.
  7. Loosen the a tension roller of a gear belt, remove a gear belt.
  8. Installation: the special tool Fastening of a cam-shaft 3243 establish on fixing plates of cam-shafts.
  9. Loosen the bolts of pulleys of cam-shafts approximately only on three turns.
  10. Again dismantle the special tool 3243.
  11. Remove both pulleys of a cam-shaft from a cone. Use for this purpose nippers. Establish прихваты on an underside of a nave of a pulley of a gear belt; the bolt remains, as was (weakened on three turns).
  12. After end of preliminary works installation now begins:
  13. For carrying out of the further work now it is necessary to impose a new gear belt. At imposing of the belt which was in the use, consider a direction of its movement.
  14. Again establish on fixing plates of cam-shafts the special tool Fastening of a cam-shaft 3243.
  15. Once again check up correctness of installation of the special tool.
  16. Pulleys of cam-shafts should be put on a cone so that they rotated on a shaft, but were not shaken (a bolt is screwed up manually).
  17. Now pull a gear belt (see in the head above).
  18. Tighten pulleys of cam-shafts with the inhaling moment on 30 Nanometers and then definitively tighten bolts on 1/2 turns (180 ).
  19. Remove the special tool.
  20. Mount again dismantled details.

At the left: in drawing installation of the special tool 3243 for fixing of cam-shafts in position ВМТ is shown at the six-cylinder engine.

On the right: here the tool 3242 and a place in which it is screwed in in the block of cylinders for fixing of a cranked shaft is shown.

To establish the special tool 3243, it is necessary to unscrew from картера (1) gauge of the moment of ignition (2) six-cylinder engines.

Removal of a pulley of a gear belt of a cam-shaft by means of a stripper at the weakened fixing bolt.