Audi A4

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi А4
+ Running gear
+ Regular servicing
+ Engines
+ Turbo-supercharging
+ Exhaust system
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and the fuel pump
+ The air filter and channels всасывания
+ Injection system
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and the main transfer
+ Suspension bracket of wheels and steering
+ Brakes
+ Wheels and tyres
+ The electrotechnical equipment
+ Ignition system
+ Illumination
+ The alarm equipment
- Tools and devices
   Check of control tools and bulbs
   The combined device
   The indicator of quantity of fuel
   The indicator of temperature of a cooling liquid
   Auxiliary devices
   Control bulbs above in the combined device
   Control bulb of a cooling liquid
   Control bulb of level of a brake liquid
   Control bulb of pressure of oil
   Control bulb of indexes of turns
   Control bulbs in devices of the round form (and nearby)
   Control bulb of indexes of turn on the trailer
   Control bulb ASR
   Control bulb of the lock of ignition
   Control bulb of headlights of a headlight
   Control bulb of a pillow of safety
   Control bulb ABS
   Control bulb of a lay brake
   Control bulb of gymnastics of the accumulator
   System of the autocontrol of the car
   The ignition lock
   Check of switches
   Alarm buzzer of illumination
   Cigar Lighter
   Warmed back glass
   Check of screen wipers and windscreen
   The engine of screen wipers
   The help at malfunctions
   Gulf of a liquid for washing of glasses
   System of washing of headlights
   Adjustment of a mirror with the electric drive
   The central lock
   window raiser with the electric drive
   Sliding/demountable roof with the electric drive
   Radio receiver
   The aerial on back glass
+ Heating and ventilation
+ Body details
+ Salon
Search of malfunctions
Technical characteristics

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The help at malfunctions

Screen wipers

Its reasons
Your help
As A.Stekloochistiteli do not work 1. A defective safety lock
2. Defect in the unloading relay
3. The crank of a drive of screen wipers was disconnected
4. There is no conductivity in dark blue/red токоподводящем a wire from a box of safety locks to the switch of screen wipers
5. There is no conductivity in an engine wire
To weight
6. Has burnt down the engine of screen wipers
7. The switch of screen wipers is faulty
Check up the relay

Check up a wire

Check up a wire


As V.Stekloochistiteli do not work in a mode of a step I 1. Defect in the plug 53 engines of screen wipers
2. There is no conductivity in plugs 53а/53 in the switch of screen wipers
Replace the engine

Replace the switch

As S.Stekloochistiteli do not work in a mode of a step II 1. There is no conductivity in a plug wire 53b from the switch of screen wipers to the engine
2. There is no conductivity in plugs 53а/53b in the switch of screen wipers
3. Defect in the plug 53b on the engine of screen wipers
Check up a wire

Replace the switch

Replace the engine

D. Screen wipers work only in a mode of a step II

There is no conductivity in a wire of the plug 53 from the switch of screen wipers to the engine Check up a wire
E.Stekloochistiteli do not come back in a starting position 1. There is no conductivity in a plug wire 53е between the switch of screen wipers and the engine (works through the relay of screen wipers/stekloomyvatelej)
2. The engine of screen wipers is faulty
Check up a wire
Check up a control lamp: between the plug 53а and weight the lamp should burn constantly. Between the plug 53е and weight the lamp should go out before achievement of position of a parking. At opposite check between the plug 53е and plus of the accumulator the lamp should light up before achievement of position of a parking. If is not present, replace the engine
F. Screen wipers do not work with an interval 1. The relay of stekloomyvatelej/screen wipers is faulty
2. There is no conductivity in plug J wire between the switch of screen wipers and the relay
3. Defect in plug J contact in the switch of screen wipers

Check up a wire

Replace the switch

G. The faltering operating mode of screen wipers is not switched off

1. See Е 1
2. See F 1
3. Contact J in the switch of screen wipers does not open
4. Short circuit in plug J wire to the switch of screen wipers
Replace the switch

Repair a wire

N.Stekloochistiteli do not wipe dry after actuating windscreen See F 1  
I. Screen wipers after deenergizing do not remain in position of a parking or remain not for long Insufficient sliding contact in the engine of screen wipers Disassemble the engine of screen wipers, smooth out contacts. If it is necessary, replace the engine

The engine of screen wipers or bringing wire is faulty?

To dismantle the engine of screen wipers, it is necessary to remove the left part of black facing under a windscreen. For this purpose turn a coin rotary clamps (1 and 2) to the left and remove both metal clips (3 and 4) on bottom to edge.

Lever the screen wiper mechanism together with the engine can be taken out from a box by rotation at the dismantled facing after easing of three fixing screws (1–3).

To find out, whether the engine of screen wipers or a bringing wire and the switch is perfectly in order, you will be helped by the following check:


  1. Dismantle the engine of screen wipers together with the lever mechanism.
  2. Disconnect многоштырьковый a socket on the engine of screen wipers.
  3. Now two auxiliary wires are laid. One from accumulator plus to the plug 53 or 53b (sockets of a black/grey or green/yellow wire).
  4. The second wire is laid from an accumulator minus to the plug 31 on the engine of screen wipers (there where the brown wire has been connected).
  5. The screen wiper should now, depending on the used plug, to work at a step I or II. If it does not work, is faulty.
  6. If it works now, defect in the switch or a bringing wire.

Dismantle of the engine of screen wipers


  1. Include ignition and result screen wipers in final position.
  2. Dismantle levers of screen wipers.
  3. Dismantle the left part of black plastic facing under a windscreen. For this purpose a coin turn on a turn quarter to the left a rotary clamp and in addition wring out both metal clips below on facing.
  4. Unscrew a cover of an electronic box.
  5. Loosen the two fixing nuts outside and inside on the bottom part of an electronic box.
  6. Take out from an eye a fixing thorn of an electronic box and a box slightly shift forward.
  7. Unscrew two bolts with шестигранными heads above on axes of screen wipers and one below on their engine.
  8. Dismantle the lever mechanism together with the engine of screen wipers.
  9. Disconnect многоштырьковый a socket on the engine of screen wipers.
  10. Wring out operating bars to axes of screen wipers.
  11. Unscrew three screws on the engine of screen wipers. To reach all screws, it is necessary to turn a bit further a crank of the engine of screen wipers.

Installation of the new engine of screen wipers

For installation of the new engine of screen wipers or if the old engine has been removed from the fixing console:

In a photo it is shown, how the crank of the engine of a screen wiper (marksman) should settle down at installation: it is parallel to an operating bar of the lever of a screen wiper from outside the passenger near to the driver.

So sprays of system of washing of glasses are correctly adjusted: and = 235 mm, b = 445 mm, with = 80 mm, d = 620 mm.


  1. Connect to power supplies the engine and allow to it to work a little. Switch off and wait until it will not return to parking position.
  2. Mount the engine in the console, establish a crank of a drive and a bar of screen wipers.
  3. The operating bar of the left axis of screen wipers goes downwards on an engine crank, the bar approaches to the right axis of a screen wiper on an engine crank from above.
  4. Drive crank screw so that it was in the position shown in a photo above.
  5. If a crank of a drive not to fix in this certain position the screen wiper lever in a start of motion will go at first downwards.
  6. Mount the engine in gathering with the lever mechanism.