The help at malfunctions
Wrong adjustment of wheels
- Whether wheel spokes are symmetrically located at movement on a straight line? Slantwise located wheel often is a sign of wrong adjustment of wheels.
- Restless movement on a straight line: it is especially easy for noticing at movement on smooth for-snezhennoj or ice-covered road.
- Withdraws Audi A4 aside on absolutely equal road and at the released wheel?
- After turn the steering itself in direct position is established?
- Look at forward wheels from distance in five-ten metres – they stand directly and symmetrically under the relation to each other?
- Сношен a tyre profile on the one hand? At a sharp manner of driving it is not something not-usual if external edges of forward tyres have stronger deterioration in comparison with the internal.
- The dent on a wheel rim specifies in rigid contact with a border owing to what the geometry of a suspension bracket of forward wheels easily deviates a correct corner.